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Welcome to the Gram Project.

Gram Project is a repository of medical diagrams for learning, teaching and revising medical concepts. Browse our catalogue of diagrams – ranging from topics such as physiology, medicine, surgery and pharmacology.

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Created by medical students, Gram Project features a wide variety of medical diagrams that we found useful for exams as well as in clinical practice. Our team is constantly adding new content, so be sure to check back often!


Quick reference

Look up important and easily forgotten concepts with the help of easy-to-access diagrams. You no longer have to read through a wall of text for the information you need.

Learn difficult concepts

Use the power of flowcharts to simplify your understanding on difficult concepts such as interpreting Hepatitis B serology and complex physiological processes.

Exam focused

Our diagrams are made with commonly assessed topics in mind.

Free to use

All our diagrams are free to use, distribute and alter for any purpose. We only ask for proper attribution to our website at https://gramproject.com/.

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All diagrams in this website are completely free to use, distribute and alter.